Needless to say it was a goooooooood trip . . . just regaining sight in my left eye.
Here are some grades:
Encore Salon Suite: A
Encore Tower Suites Service: A+
Encore Casino: D (grade based on amount won)
Wynn Casino: A+ (unfortunately not enough to overpower Encore's 'D')
Botero: A
Okada: A
Hugo's: B/B-
Wazuzu: B+
Country Club Lunch: A
Encore Spa: A+++
Garth Brooks: No grade high enough
Rhino: A+ for humor experience only
El Cortez: C+
Four Queens: B
In room dining at Encore: B+
New Addiction: Survivor Slot Machines at Encore . . .for a seemingly innocent looking penny slot machine - I swear the devil is spinning the reels on this one . . .
Here are some pics from the trip - hopefully these will tide y'all over for now:

Whale Jo mixing it up during a game of BJ Switch at the Four Queens

First handpay of the Trip at Wynn casino - $5 WOF
I think $1660 . . .

View from my seat at Garth (center section, 13 rows up)

Shipit Steak Tartare at Botero (Encore) - yes, those toast points got naughty with that raw meat and egg.

Another view of the tartare, plus a shot of the crab appy. Shipit-delicious. Oh man - those fries were something else too.

The Progressive . . . hit on the first spin . . .

Survivor Slot Machine at Encore - winning with a whole lot of Rudy's . . .
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